/ 120000 PLN
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Short description of the project

We are building a device which supports breathing - a small, compact “respirator”, which can be introduced into mass production easily and delivered wherever the coronavirus pandemic takes the highest toll. Using expert advice and suggestions from doctors we have spent recent weeks working on a completely new device, VentilAid Mk-III is a real chance to fight the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stage I - preparation of a working prototype

Stage II - tests and certification

Stage III - mass production

We have successfully completed Stage I

Now we have to go through the testing phase, first, with the use of phantoms, then we begin a clinical testing phase in cooperation with the medical university. We stay positive, our prototype is a very efficient device which achieves good results in tests. If we pass this stage it will mean that we can use our devices to support hospitals and all those places reached by the COVID-19 pandemic.


This simple, grey box came to be upon the request and with the help of doctors. Using their suggestions we have designed a device, which helps the patients suffering from COVID-19 to breathe, keep proper pressure in their lungs, and regain health quicker. VentilAid takes the burden of hospitals and doctors.

Who are we?


In the photo, the Cracow-based core-team of the VentilAid project: Mateusz, Szymon and Szymon.

In our daily lives, we work on 3D printing - we manufacture industrial printers and experiment with them. For us, 3D printing technology is a great tool to create prototypes and validate consecutive iterations of our designs. Thanks to 3D printing we managed to deliver the “last resort respirator” in such a short period of time. The documentation for our design was quickly posted online, which allowed us to obtain feedback from doctors, which we have used to build a completely new device that can be used to help the people suffering from COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, to breathe.

Recently Tomasz Rożek from the Science Channel conducted an interview with the constructor of the device, Szymon Bacher. That’s what I like. Take a look and learn more about Szymon, and our project!

Here’s our website where you can learn more about the project:

You can also follow our social media profiles here:

We post videos documenting our work and share live streams on Facebook, where we present our device and respond to questions. 

Why should you support us?

Most countries lack medical equipment. The scale and pace at which the illness is spreading mercilessly revealed that. The equipment necessary for saving lives may not be produced and delivered in time to all those in need. Finally, the price of making it available may exceed the possibilities even of some of the well-organized countries. We are aware of those shortages and the growing problems of today and the near future and we have decided that respirators are currently the most sought after medical devices.

The decision to take a shot constructing our own respirator was made when we heard the news from Italy, where the shortages became obvious.

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